Project Date

2020 - till date

Project Details

The We Lead consortium consists of six civil society organizations (Positive Vibes, Restless Development, Marsa, FEMNET, the Central American Women’s Fund, Hivos). The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also part of the partnership. Hivos is the lead party.

We Lead is a new, inspiring, innovative and far-reaching program aiming to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRH-R) of young women.

In 2019, there were 50.8 million internally displaced persons worldwide, more than half of whom are women and girls. Nigeria reports, over 2 million IDPs displaced by over a decade of humanitarian crisis in the North Eastern (due to terrorism) and north-central states (due to farmer-herder and communal clashes) and the unraveling human displacements in the northwestern states caused by armed banditry. These crises have led to an upsurge of community displacements, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and creation of IDP camps in various parts of the country, including Federal Capital Territory. In addition to the many general human rights violations faced by all IDPs, displaced women and girls are often at greater risk than other affected populations. They tend to have less access to assistance, and struggle to access adequate education, healthcare, training and livelihoods. They are more susceptible to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), are likely to face difficulties in exercising rights to housing, land and property, and are often excluded from decision-making processes. These human rights violations are compounded by conflict, which exacerbates pre-crisis patterns of discrimination. 

Stand With A Girl Initiative supported 30 internally displaced women and girls, 250 Internally Displaced Persons community members and leaders. The project will also strengthen 30 camp leaders and young men on SRHR needs, support 10 Young Data Researchers for effective data collection on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Right, Train 10 media personnel in the FCT on SRHR storytelling and messaging and participation in media chats, Train 30 social mobilizers on SRHR sensitization, support 15 service providers and nonclinical workers for effective delivery of SRHR services and organize roundtable meeting for 15 stakeholders to synergize efforts to accelerate access to SRH-R needs of women and girls and follow up meetings to relevant organizations to promote access and utilizing of quality sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and services particularly on family planning Sexual and Gender Based Violence issues for women and girls in Wassa IDP camp in Abuja, Nigeria.

The general public increasingly acknowledges and supports young women’s SRH-R.
Duty-bearers increasingly design, adopt and implement laws and policies that respect and protect the SRH-R of young women from rights holder groups.

– Capacity building
– Dialogue and awareness
– Training
– Strategic advocacy
– Strategic Communications
– Research, Monitoring and Evaluation
– Capacity Strengthening

Goal: To ensure access and utilization of quality sexual and reproductive health (SRH) (SGBV &FP) information and services for women and girls in IDP Camps.

1. Strengthen strategic advocacy to relevant stakeholders to influence policies and laws that respect the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Right of women and girls.
2. Strengthen the capacity of women and girls in the IDPs to strategically and meaningfully advocate for SRHR (SGBV &FP) issues
3. Strengthen inclusive comprehensive SRHR (SGBV &FP) services for all women and girls at the IDP camp.

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Our mission

To promote a safe and supportive environment for the Social, Economic, Academic and Healthy Development of girls in Nigeria through empowerment.

Our Vision

Every girl in Nigeria no matter where she is born or found is empowered to fulfill her maximum potential.

Core Values

Integrity, Leadership, Service, Empathy.

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